Selasa, 09 Desember 2008


Foundations of mathematics is a term sometimes used for certain fields of mathematics, such as mathematical logic, axiomatic set theory, proof theory, model theory, and recursion theory. Mathematics at least develop; builded pursuant to one premis (or some premis) and one order (or some order) prosedural, or at least early from a certain dot. Premis starting point which must accepted what the existence of. Mathematics science in principle can be re-traced at basal logic principles.


Figure of idealism is Plato ( 427-374 SM), student from Sokrates. Idealism teaching represent phylosophy teaching idolizing soul. According to him, goal is genuiness picture which solely have the character of the spirit and soul in among original picture with the shadow of a world of be under arrest by the five senses. Meeting of among soul and goal bear day-dream that is world idea. This teaching look into and also assume that real only idea. Idea by xself always remain to or do not experience of the change and also displacement, natural of motion not categorized by idea.
Existence Idea do not see in the form of physical, but original picture can only be made a picture by pure soul. In the eyes of idealism is picture from world idea, its position cause do not remain to. While such by idea pure reality and genuiness. Its existence very absolute and its perfection very absolute, cannot be reached by material. Practically, idea depicted with a world of do not the in form of that way soul have place in a world of body do not told by world idea
Concerning highest truth, with the famous doctrine with the idea term, Plato open that this world remain to and its type one, while highest idea is kindliness. Idea duty is lead the kindness of human being in becoming example for experience. Whosoever mastered the idea, he will know the definitive truth, so that can us as the appliance to measure, to grouping and assessing everyday natural everything.
Its principle, idealism teaching constitute all that ther. The real in this world only idea, idea represent the spiritial place and its for unlike real nature such as those which see and drawn. While its column don't have the most recently fulcrums and boundary from idea is arche representing place return the perfection of so-called world idea with the God, arche, everlasting in character and a few/little even also do not experience

Senin, 08 Desember 2008


a. Using algebra for the system of modern denary.
b. Finding heavy and measure system
c. The first which find “number system”
d. Influencing mathematics yunani.

a. Using denary system and π = 3,125
b. Inventor calculator for the first time.
c. Aritmatika grow and expand very well become the algebra retoris.
d. Using geometry for astronomical calculation bases.

a. Using Phytagoras theorem
b. Using number of papyrus moskow.
c. Using much formulas for calculate wide
d. Using number system base on 10 in the year 3000 SM.

a. Pythagoras non one who find the theorem pythagoras but he only succeed to make the best verification.
b. Hipassus of Inventor of number irrasional
c. Archimedes study about flat geometry
d. Recognizing prime number

a. Brahmatya was born in 589-660 Ad.
b. Aryabatha ( 498 SM) finding relation circle a circle
c. Introducing usage of zero and number denary
d. Bhamatyagupta find the negative number

a. Recognizing right triangle characteristic
b. Ancient mathematics China strength lay in the algebra
c. Have used the negative number far before culture of other;dissimilar
d. Organic culture cause weak at stiff verification


1. Thales
( 624-550 SM )
Thales is a mathematics formulating theorema or proportion, and explainable more detail by Euclid. Basis for mathematics as applied sciences seemingly have been opened by Thales, before emerging Pythagoras making number

2. Pythagoras
(582-496 SM)
Pythagoras is one who first triggering axiom require to be formulated beforehand in developing geometry.
Pythagoras non one who find the theorem pythagoras but he only succeed to make the best verification.

3. Diophantus
(200 – 250 SM)
Diophantus often conceived of by Mr. algebra Babylonia. Its masterpiece differ from the geometry algebra started by Euclid. Diophantus develop the concepts of algebra Babylonia and start an equation form so that form this equation oftentimes referred as with the equation Diophantine show that Diophantus enough give the influence for mathematics

4. Pappus
(290 – 350 SM)
Making ambit of all masterpiece, its predecessor especially masterpiece Apollonius with the quality more because its discussion have more detailed. A lot of idea Pappus weared by next era mathematics. Not many new idea which can be taken, but represent.

5. Plato
(427-347 SM)
Plato represent a big philosophy coming from yunani.
And Plato of teaching creator and also expert think first accepting understanding is existence of nature of non object.

6. Euclides
(325-265 SM)
Euclid represent the “geometry father” because finding number theory as well as geometry theory.
Subjects studied by euclid cover the forms, theorem pythagoras, algebraical equation, radian, space geometry, proportion theory, and others

7. Archimedes
(287-212 SM)
Principal Application archimedes of physics and matematics.
Calculation π (phi) in calculate area of circle

8. Appolonius
(262-190 SM)
Appolonius use the parabola concept, hyperbola, and ellipse which is a lot of giving contribution for modern astronomy

9. Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi
(780 – 850)
Act the Arabic mathematician really excrutiatingly. Inventor of algebra Term, giving base and bollard in mathematics. All that make he competent referred with the “ algebra father”, not Diophantus. Algebra teaching of with the elementary forms, Diophantus only have concentrated with the number theory. Algebra later; then learned and become the world property to date. Joining artimatika and algebra. Both important as especial source of mathematics knowledge during for centuries either in orient and also in West